Nevada, Day Three

22 03 2010

I’ll be updating this throughout the day!

0525. Well, good morning, Nevada! Today the program actually starts. I’m not supposed to be up until 7, but here it is, 5 o’clock again. . . . . . gotta love this time change thing. 🙂 Going BACK East is gonna be hard. . . . . . . I’ll GAIN several hours and it will be all KINDS of backwards.

I’m spending the entire morning with Alex. From what I’ve seen of him, he’s very relaxed and fun. . . . . It should be quite interesting. . . . . . . I know that we’re for sure going grocery shopping, doing yoga, and perhaps starting some artwork. It’ll be grand. For now, though, I think I’m gonna go find a couple of extra blankets and curl back up. It is, after all, 0530 in the morning!

0748. I’m in PDT, and breakfast was wonderful. I mixed crushed cinnamon cereal with Greek Yogurt and it was SO good. 250 calories for breakfast. . . . . . supposedly a bit low, but it is what it is. We of course did vitals this morning. . . . . . that’s the time of day in which I get to strip and put on an EVER-SO_SEXY hospital gown, get weighed, blood pressure, and temperature. It’s a prelude to breakfast. During this PDT, I caught up with a couple of friends and talked with Julia about a few political situations. She’s warmed up a good bit since I’ve gotten here, and she’s got some wonderful insight, and is great for some good conversation. She here during the nights, from about 10 pm until 9 am. Alex should be arriving shortly, and from there, who knows what’ll be going on?

It’s frigidly cold. Those massively huge picture windows that dot nearly every wall make keeping the temperature in the house regulated difficult. I’ve got fuzzy PJs on, a heavy long-sleeved shirt, and I’m curled up with a big fuzzy blanket. I had to dig a down comforter out of the closet this morning, but I’m SO glad that I did! It’s thick, heavy, and comforting.

1617. We just got back from bowling. It’s been a crazy fast paced, fun day. I worked on an art project all morning, and it’s not anywhere CLOSE to finished. It’s gonna take me awhile 🙂 I’m excited about it, though. I really think it’s going to turn out well. After I worked on my project (which is an inspirational poster on which I was given the FREE FOR ALL), I had lunch, and then Alex and I had a meeting. We talked about family history and ED history, and we talked a bit about empowerment. He said that while ED has a strong voice, I have the academic knowledge, and that I need to weigh ED’s voice with the REAL voice, mine. That if my goal was to end up dead, that I should listen to ED, but otherwise, I needed to fight to allow my voice to be heard.

Melanie, one of the staff, met us at two, and we headed into Carson City for a friendly game of bowling. We met a graduate of Nouvea Vie there, Ashley. There were four of us there, and we laughed, bantered, and egged each other on. I creamed everyone the first game, but my energy quickly dwindled. . . . . . I was creamed the second round, coming in last place. It was fun, nonetheless. Ashley, continuing with her tradition, made me a hemp bracelet with the word “Hope” in it. She’s made one for every girl who has come through, and will continue to do so. It felt like I was kinda being drawn into this group, and that I was finally settling in.

Alex isn’t all that happy with my calorie count today. . . . . . . all said and done, if I don’t add anything to it (which doesn’t seem feasible at this point), it’ll end up at 999 calories. He’d wanted me to eat a Luna Bar, but we didn’t have any here. I’m REALLY having a hard time getting over that 1,000 calorie mark. Even when I think I’m adding a TON of stuff in. . . . . . stuff that I would never DREAM of doing at home, I can’t get there. I’m working on it. 😉

For now, though, I’m gonna go back to my art project.

1909. Dinner was relatively good, and I did end up working the extra 200 calories in that I needed to for today. It isn’t often that people get the privilege of going, “Oh, well, I HAD to have a second piece of pizza!” Ashley gave me her phone number and told me to text or call at any time; that having someone who understood what you were going through here made it SO much easier. I’m just painting and working on my project, hanging with Melanie, and watching The Notebook. I’ll eat a snack in an hour or so, and that’ll wrap up my eating for the day. I’ll probably paint until I head to bed.



One response

22 03 2010
Andy in Lincoln

Thanks for keeping us all posted like this…:) I certainly don’t mean to make light of anything, but in some ways you and I have the opposite problem. I have trouble keeping to 1000 calories in one meal…

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